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No Weekly Menu just yet...we're still getting settled in.

I'll be working on a weekly menu tomorrow or Wednesday ( really, it should be Tuesday), so today's post will be a bit different. I just found coupon organizer in the garage this afternoon so I think that will be my project for tomorrow...along with unpacking the rest of the girls rooms and organizing my laundry room. But today, I wanted to tell you about how our big move went.

It started Friday. I apologize now, my computer isn't hooked up to the thing that holds our pictures. I kind of forgot what to do, so I'll post some pics later on. Friday night, we got the keys to the house and did the walk through. Josh and I brought over all of our clothes and shoes and as soon as we met up with my parents and my bestie Donella and her boyfriend. As soon as all the guys were here Josh, my dad, and Derek went to go get the U-haul and pick up our Washer and Dryer...which if you have seen the pictures on FB you know how excited I was to get those. I have since used them several times and I love them. They are so so quiet! While the boys were gone, we girls got all the clothes organized...well not organized shoved into my closet. My mom was going to color coordinate everything for me ( because that's how I like it), but then she saw how many clothes and shoes I have and gave up, lol! It's okay, it's a project for me for another day.

Saturday was the big moving day. My girls spent the night with my parents Friday night and then my mom and dad dropped the girls off at Josh's parents house so my other mom could watch them before heading down to meet us and help us move. We had a lot of people to help and we needed everyone of them. It's amazing and somewhat embarrassing how much stuff you accumulate over time.

We were able to get mostly everything over in the U-haul, my dad's truck, Josh's dad's truck, and his parents mini-van, and Josh's car. We left about 4% of our stuff back at the apartment and we'll get the rest of it later this week.

We were able to pretty much avoid the rain. It sprinkled occasionally, but I never heard anyone complain and thanks to my sister's discount at Little Caesar's Pizza, we got some pizza and drinks to feed everyone. Which was pretty funny. The only sounds you could hear in our dining room was everyone eating and occasionally making a " Mmm" sound.

After everyone had gotten everything out of all the vehicles, everyone left. Josh and his brother returned the u-haul and made another trip back to the apartment for the electronics and Derek, Donella, and I put together all the beds and the dining room table. My main concern was getting the girls rooms livable for them...which it became. Tomorrow I plan on getting all their boxes out of their rooms and organizing their stuff.

I would say the most challenging room of this whole house has been the kitchen. It's a decent amount of space, but it's less than I'm used too and I guess I have to many kitchen items...(are we surprised by this?)
By the time we got started on the Kitchen it was probably close to 10pm and I was spent and everywhere I looked there were kitchen boxes. I swear we had more boxes for the kitchen than anything else. After we discovered that my favorite set of dishes had nearly been broken ( We have 2 broken dinner plates and 4 broken salad plates) I was on the edge of a nervous breakdown. I finally had to say, " I need a break. Let's just push all the boxes to the side and I'll dig into it tomorrow."

Can I just say here how good I slept Saturday night. You all know I've been missing out on sleep due to our neighbors and my anxiety attacks about the move. Saturday night, as soon as my head hit my gorgeous new comforter set, I was asleep. It was a beautiful thing!

Sunday Morning, Josh and I woke up around 8am and decided to forgo church due to the fact there was so much to be done here. Josh and I took showers and got the girls up and he got started on the garage...that was so completely full of boxes you would of gotten lost in there and I decided to tackle the kitchen. Okay...I attempted to try to attack the kitchen...and gave up. I ended up just trying to get all of the bowls and dishes and appliances out of the boxes and lining them up on my dining room table just so I could see what I had and where it could go and I needed to get the boxes out of my face.

My parents came over at about 1pm and Thank Goodness for them. I want you to picture the scene my mom pretty much walked in on. Picture me...standing in a kitchen...any kitchen...covered in boxes, with every counter space filled with something kitchen related. And then picture on my face your best "Frazzled, frustrated, and freaked out" looking face you can imagine. That was me! I didn't know where to start. My mom walked in and got right in the mess with me and took over. She became exactly what I needed her to be for me. A director/organizer/mother- that was her. She said that I really challenged her with my kitchen, lol!

I will admit, I freaked out on her a bit, raised my voice a few times, hyper-ventilated a million times, and fought with her on the placement on some things until she proved she was right and I was wrong ( thank goodness because she knew what she was doing and I apparently didn't) and helped me get my kitchen to where it needed to be. I needed her so much because she was a fresh pair of eyes who wasn't as burnt out as I was and she is open to change, where as I, am not. I like my things the way they've always been. I just don't adapt well at all.

Basically, we spent the whole afternoon on that kitchen. While my mom and I were busy with the kitchen, my dad was playing Mr. Fix-It to a few things that needed to be fixed in the house and then helping assemble a bookshelf that is acting as an audio pier, helping mount our T.V. and helping assist the Dish Network Guy however he could. My mom and dad make a powerhouse team together! And Our Sunday would of gone a lot differently if they hadn't been there to help. We would never of made as much progress as we did if it wasn't for their help. We even tinkered with the placement of our furniture in the living room.

Today is Monday and I didn't get accomplished everything I meant too, but that's okay. My mom and dad came over again to help me out. My mom had some curtains she wasn't using anymore that she thought would look great in our dining room and my mom picked up some birdseed for me because I had tons of birds this morning in our backyard looking for food. We got the rest of the kitchen put together ( it was just a matter of rearranging some of the counter-top items) and we hung up curtains over the sliding glass door in the dining room, living room, and the girls bedrooms. My dad even hung up my feeders for me so I didn't have too!

When I do finally post pictures of the downstairs of our house: The Kitchen, Dining Room, and Living Room...I want to preface this now; my mom was my interior decorator. I told her my ideas and she listened and tweaked and moved things around and she put the finishing touches on everything. I can cook and bake...but I'm not very good as an interior decorator. It's not my thing. Thank the Lord, it's my mom's thing because I would of been lost with out her!

Tonight I'm going to make our first meal in our home. Nothing to special. Something easy and I have all the ingredients for it. I decided when I went to bed last night I couldn't eat fast food one more day. So I got up with Josh this morning at 5:30am and while he was fixing his coffee, I made his lunch for him. I know he's tired tonight and I know his feet and body are probably hurting just as bad if not more than mine are and I want him to be able to relax tonight.

I will post a weekly menu as soon as I've got it figured out. Till then, Cheers!


Saturday 16th of April 2011

However thank you for this blog.I will are available back again. Blog Kitchen Tips