1. A few weeks ago, Josh had an idea. He wanted to build a Pergola. I thought it was a horrible idea and I fought him on it. He wanted to build a free standing Pergola (because we rent our house and the idea was that when we move, it can move with us) and I thought it sounded really po-dunk is the word I used. I was even a very crabby wife when he drug me and the kids to Lowe's to check out the lumber and stuff he would need. Well, I finally conceded and let him have his way. He and my dad spent the afternoon yesterday building the Pergola and I have to say, I was wrong. It looks beautiful and I'm so proud of him. I think he is pretty proud of himself too.!

Lindsay Jewell says
I want a pizza oven, too. Bad! And I like the Pergola. My neighbors have one, and they grow vines all over it. So pretty.