1. Well, spring has definitely sprung and you know how I know? Suddenly I'm sneezing with more frequency and my throat is tightening up from all the sneezing. I have such a love/hate relationship with this time of the year.
2. Because it's spring, I've been going on a cleaning rampage since last week. Every day I'm adding to the never-ending list. Yesterday, I cleaned out all of my cupboards and pantry and removed all of the expired items. I could not believe how many there were. I'm actually pretty embarrassed by it. I felt like a pantry food hoarder! But my shelves look clean and kind of bare, but it's also really nice.
3. Have you guys seen this freaking adorable video of the baby jaguar born at the San Diego Zoo? I nearly died watching it.
4. I need this little sign for Christian's bedroom. It's so cute!
5. This backyard space! Swoon!!!
1. Well, this is interesting. Hillsong, the praise band / songwriting group / choir / phenomenon / etc from Australia is being featured in a new documentary film from Relativity Media. Looks interesting - at least encouraging and uplifting, if nothing else!
2. In a completely different direction, but also pretty spiffy...there's a teaser out for Spectre! I've been a huge fan of the direction the Bond films have taken over the last three installments, and this one looks to be right in line. And who's the villain? Why, Christoph Waltz, of course. Who else?
3. Elon Musk is being cryptic on Twitter again. The man behind SpaceX and Tesla apparently has something else up his sleeve. He says that Tesla's going to release a brand new non-car product on April 30....what?! Also, his new Twitter avatar is pretty, well, awesome.
Major new Tesla product line -- not a car -- will be unveiled at our Hawthorne Design Studio on Thurs 8pm, April 30
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 30, 2015
4. Somewhere, for reasons that are difficult to comprehend, scientists have apparently been spending time trying to calculate how long it would take to fall through the earth and come out on the other side. 38 minutes, in case you wanted to know.
5. Okay, literary update. Mostly because I figure nobody reads down this far... Finished The Guns of August, which was excellent, and started the pseudo-prequel, The Proud Tower. Suffice to say, life was different in 1895!
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