Hello, everyone!
We have some news. The whole Cat family is moving!
We've found a home to rent a lot closer to our families ( about 10 miles from them actually) and so were going to be moving. We've decided on a move-in day of February 5th, which is about 2 weeks away.
A lot of packing and preparation is going to be going on while we get ready for this move so that means I will probably won't have much time for a lot of cooking or blogging. I imagine we'll be doing very easy meals for the next two weeks.
I'll try and get on and post things as I have the time for, but sadly this means I'll be away from cooking yummy things in my kitchen and sharing them with you and I won't be linking up any dishes to my other foodies either. As soon as we get settled into our new place, I'll pick up where we left off. In the mean time, just say a prayer that we can get everything done in 2 weeks that needs to be done :)
Chels & Josh :)
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