September is this week! For some reason I thought I was still a good 2 weeks away! I feel so scatter-brained. I never got around to making the menu last week. You can blame it on my scatter-brainedness. But we ended up kind of winging it last week and it was kind of fun :) But now, we've gone grocery shopping and my kitchen is stocked with all sorts of Farmer's Market Deliciousness and the temperatures have dropped a little bit which means, I can finally get back to my baking and cooking.
Josh, has been a lifesaver these past few weeks. We've practically grilled something every night. And last night's dish was awesome! I have to tell you about it real quick. So Saturday, we did a lot of talking about the kind of foods and meals we would like to get better at, etc etc. So after going to the Farmers Market and then picking up a few couponed items at the grocery store, we went home and brain-stormed our menu for the week. We've been really wanting to make a delicious steak dinner. In the past, we haven't invested a lot of money in our steak and because I freak out at the slightest bit of pink in the meat, we've ruined our Steaks. But yesterday, (Sunday) I was baby-sitting my adorable Niece Lacey and Josh took the girls to get our last of the grocery items. He came back with Steak! Not cheap fatty steak. But delicious scrumptious cuts of meat that had just gone on clearance because they came from the butchers window and needed to be eaten. Josh ended up making a butter and blue cheese dressing for our steak with a grilled tomato, pear salad and, grilled green beans. We ate by candle light outside with our girls and soaked up every bit of the juicy flavors that came from Josh's perfectly cut steak. As it turns out, Josh fixed the steak as it's intended to be cooked...Medium. Not rare, because that's gross. But Medium was perfect. It was a good thing we were eating outside in the dark because I could barely see the hints of pink in the meat. It was such an incredible meal! Grace and Eden scarfed their food down and Grace couldn't get enough, she ate Eden's left over pieces, lol! Josh may or may not blog it yet. We took pictures, but I'm not sure what his plans are yet for those pics :) But it was incredible meal that I do hope we share with you soon.
Dzoli says
Comes summer and we are laid back.Nice to blame it on the heat:)Thank God there is BBq.And what could go wrong.Nice salad and galss of something.Enjoy and don't worry:)