1. Monday's have a way of bringing out the worst in people. I think it's because it's that day that signals the beginning of the work week and that the fun and games of the weekend is behind us. It seems as though, my body decided to have a little fun and jump start my Monday early by giving me a very restless, non-sleeping kind of Sunday night. Today, I am tired, dog tired and my mood is everywhere! It would literally make you dizzy. I hope I can sleep tonight.
2. By this time next week, I'll be in California! We're going to be spending a night and a whole day in San Francisco. BTW- I just spelled San Francisco wrong. I spelled it San Fransisco and my spell checker is freaking out on me! This is not the first time this week I've spelled that word wrong. Personally, I like the way I spell it best.
3. This weekend I introduced Josh to Edward Scissor (Yes, I just spelled Scissor wrong too and it just took me 2 minutes to figure out the right way to spell it.) Hands. Yes, my husband has gone his whole life without watching Johnny Depp play the practically mute ghostly freakish pale black spiky haired dude with scissors for hands. He thoroughly enjoyed it. Next, I'm going to make him watch Beetlejuice! I mean, if he's gonna make me sit through Mission Impossible 4 or whatever it's called, then he can watch some classic Tim Burton movies from the 80's, otherwise known as The Golden Years- Yes, I am a proud Child of the 80's...don't hate, just appreciate!
4. Speaking of the 80's...who remembers The Garbage Pail Kids?? What about The Hugga Bunch? Anyone? You are missing out, let me tell you!
5. You know what my favorite part of a muffin is? The Muffin Top! DID YOU KNOW THERE IS A MUFFIN TOP BAKING PAN!!!! I need it!
6. I have to get something off of my chest. I think the whole Jumpsuit/Romper epidemic is a travesty to the fashion world. I think that SOME...like a select few are cute in theory...but here is my dilemma. How the heck do you go to the bathroom in that thing?! Why would you want to take off your whole outfit and let it nearly drag the ground while you go to the bathroom?? Rompers and little Jumpsuits are cute on Babies and Toddlers. Not adults! Cannot wait until this trend leaves the stores...no, scratch that, THE WORLD!
7. No matter what anyone tells you, Salted Strawberries are not the same thing as Salted Cucumbers. It's just not good.
8. This summer is my 10 year reunion. How many of you went to your's? Or have you not had it yet. Would you go? I think Josh and I are going to go. It's pretty cheap and it falls on the day after our 9 yr anniversary. That's right, 9 years baby!!! I'm even going to see about renting a room in the hotel in Portland for the night. Could be fun right? We've never done that before :)
9. When I was in school, I loved painting my finger and toe nails. Now, I just look at it as a drudgery task type thing that takes to much time and takes to long to drive and something I just don't have the patience for. Who wants to treat me to a Mani/Pedi?
10.Happy May Day! Go bring flowers to someone special :)
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