1. While in California last week, Josh and I spent the day at the California Adventure Park and had a blast! When it came time to think about food, we got soup, salad, and a little appetizer at the Wine Country Trattoria restaurant. The atmosphere was perfect, set off from the crowd, but right on the parade route. So not only did we get to watch the parade without crowds everywhere, but the food was delicious! Seriously, the minestrone soup had some pesto in it which really set it apart from other minestrones I've had and the caprese salad was refreshing and light. A perfect meal to satisfy hunger while walking around in the warm sun.
2. After wandering around the California park, we realized that Eden & Christian had never seen the movie Cars! They loved it! I think we all forgot how good it is.
3. So I have to confess, I can be a bit of a cleaning freak when it comes to my house, especially when I'm stressed out. I'll notice something that needs to be organized or cleaned and I will get all involved in it, regardless of the hour. However, I tend to neglect cleaning my oven, behind the fridge, and the dishwasher. Yesterday, I spent a part of the afternoon deep cleaning my dishwasher and I'm embarrassed at how easy it is and how good the inside of my dishwasher looks now that it's cleaned. Here's a great post on it!
4. I need a good brand of brown eyeliner. I've tried Covergirl and it's not in a shade I like and I was using Revlon, but it always goes on kind of stiff, where my black eyeliner just goes on smoothly. Give me a good brand that I can go pick up at the grocery store!
5. Is it just me or do other people have a hard time picking out clothes to wear on an airplane? You want to be comfortable, but also dress in layers because planes are notoriously cold. Also, something easy enough that you can get through security in. I stared in my closet for 3o minutes trying to decide what to wear on the plane and out and about my first day in Cali last week before finally turning to one of my Pinterest boards. I came across this little inspiration and it was perfect. I wore my grey Toms and my brown boyfriend cardigan with it and it was the perfect choice!
1. How about we open with the obligatory movie news this week? Mission Impossible: Rouge Nation is coming! I was losing my excitement for the series after MI:3 was just okay, but Ghost Protocol was kind of awesome.
2. Apparently full episodes of Cutthroat Kitchen are available on YouTube now...? When did this happen? And why did no one tell me? I was trying to find a trailer for the show to send to a friend of ours in the UK (who kindly introduced us to The Great British Bake Off), and instead and I found whole episodes! We just watched this one ("Scone Home") the other night. The kids are crazy about it - I think it's Eden's favorite thing on television.
3. Richard III, King of England in the late fifteenth century, is finally being buried properly in Leicester. If you haven't followed this story, it's a little bit insane, and I can't help thinking that if someone had told Richard it was going to happen this way, he probably would have had them...thrown out, or something more injurious. The King died in 1485, but his remains weren't discovered until 2012 - underneath a parking garage! So, finally, 530 years later, he is getting a funeral, in a casket built by one of his descendants (a Canadian, no less). Truth is stranger than fiction (and, hey, if I were in the casket-building business, perhaps I could have made it - Ancestry tells me he is the grand uncle of the wife of my 15th great grandfather, which probably means he is almost as close a relation as, say, the couch I'm sitting on right now...).
4. Chels and I were down in Huntington Beach this past week for a couple of days, and we had a chance to meet up with my cousin, his wife, my little nephew, and my grandfather for breakfast one morning. My cousin, who lives in the area, suggested a little Ruby's diner (which is apparently a chain?) south of Corona Del Mar. At first, I thought a diner seemed odd for breakfast, but...wow. It was fantastic, and the view was absolutely unreal. If you're ever in the area, check it out. You won't regret it.
5. Well, if you're a foodie looking to "cut the cord," life just got better. I can never get Chels excited about technology, but when I decided to give Sling TV a shot, she got stoked in a hurry. Why? It's the first streaming service we've found that includes live Food Network! And, hey, what is a foodie without Food Network, am I right?
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