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Tuesday’s Tidings for October 27, 2015

Tuesday's Tidings


  1. Last night we made The Pioneer Woman’s Veggie Stir-Fry from her new cookbook “The Pioneer Woman Cooks, Dinnertime” and it was delicious and made a ton of food. My sister-in-love, Krista, has also made the Potato Soup from the cookbook and she said,” It was the best potato soup I’ve ever had!” If you haven’t broken down and bought her cookbook yet, you should!
  2. I hope I’m not the only one super excited for the upcoming movie In the Heart of the Sea. I’m actually reading the book right now and it is really amazing so far. Here’s a trailer/interview with Ron Howard. I thought it was pretty interesting.
  3. Have you guys shopped from Fabletics yet? I love love love this site. You can buy cute workout outfits (a whole outfit, 2-3 pieces) for one price ranging from $49 and up. It’s a monthly subscription, so if there is a month you don’t want to buy anything, you have the first five days of the month to skip it. If you sign up, get your first outfit for $25.00! I’m a firm believer that if you like how you look when you workout, your mood and workouts are better for it!


  1. This video of beavers being airdropped in the fifties…it’s…interesting. Seems like an elaborate way to deal with overpopulation!
  2. Andrew Dallos shared this photo on Twitter – I love it! Chess with DSLR lenses! I can tell you one thing – the queens aren’t cheap!CSHR5YZUEAABVkX.jpg-large
  3. Alton Brown is a genius, of course. Everyone knows that. But every once in awhile his genius ideas are just…a little more genius. I always forget to soak my skewers in time. Next summer, in time for grilling season, I’m using this method…