1. First things first, this video of Tom Hanks acting out several of his movies is hilarious. If you need a laugh and you're a Tom Hanks fan, then you should definitely watch it and laugh! #There'snocryinginbaseball
2. I will be the first to say that I don't go out and shop at Sephora or buy Clinique cosmetics or spend an arm and a leg on hair products. I have a couple of products that I live by and will only use. That being said, I ventured out and tried dry shampoo over the weekend and I was Aaamazed at the results. I have been washing my hair daily since forever and this is now going to be my secret weapon. If you are looking for a great dry shampoo, I highly recommend, "Not Your Mother's Clean Freak Dry Shampoo." I even got my mom to buy one the other day!
3. Right now, I'm currently reading In the Garden of Beasts if you know someone who appreciate great writing and enjoys reading about the holocaust, this is a very interesting and well-written book. But, I also just started reading C.S.Lewis' The Magician's Nephew for the first time. Actually, this is my first time ever reading any of his books and so far, I am loving it. A really fun, quick read. Excellent for kiddos!
1. So, as it turns out, English truly is a bizarre language. I've always suspected as much, but John McWhorter really breaks it down here. This is a very long read, but an interesting one. Be glad English is your first language...and go learn an easier one!
2. A colleague shared this video with me - it is hilarious! Volvo was trying to demonstrate how insanely well built their commercial trucks are, so they let an adorable four year old girl drive it around with a remote control, destroying buildings and flipping it over. It looks like great fun...
3. This photo! NASA's Cassini spacecraft took this unbelievable image across Saturn's rings, looking out at the crescent of its third largest moon Enceladus. Wow.
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