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Weekly Menu for The Week of Jan 11th

Weekly Menu | Catz in the Kitchen | | #menu #mealplanHow was everyone's week? Our kids are finally on the mend from being sick, but then Friday night, Josh felt like he was coming down with something. By bedtime, boom. He had a sore throat. We laid around the house all day Saturday and it was really nice and relaxing...though I do have a touch of cabin fever at this point.

Everyone is sick it seems, so smoothies and lots of water have been my only safeguard! It's a miracle I haven't caught it yet, with Christian coughing in my face all the time...

Okay, but seriously, here's something I want to know. How many of you bought a Powerball ticket? When I was at the grocery store on Friday, there was a line from the machine all the way to customer service which was a good walk away! I couldn't believe it! (I did not, however, buy a ticket.)

Last night we celebrated Josh's 31st birthday! He's got to be the easiest guy to buy for because all you have to do is buy him a book and he's happy.

For previous menus, check out our recipe archive or Pinterest board. Have a great week everyone!!

Here are the recipes:


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