I don't know how you spent your Sunday (oh, maybe watching the Super Bowl?) but I was feeling under the weather so I was in bed pretty much all day binge-watching The Pioneer Woman on the Food Network.
If you think about it, that's not too bad of a way to spend the day, except it got better! Josh and the kids made dinner (thank you, family) and then finished The Fellowship of the Ring and started The Two Towers. I don't think I've mentioned in any previous posts, but we've been slowly rewatching our way through the extended editions of The Hobbit trilogy and LOTR. Either we're the most boring, nerdiest family ever...or quite possibly the coolest.
However, I'm pretty sure once we finish this series, the kids will insist we start watching ALL of the Marvel movies again. All the Iron Mans (men?). All the Captain Americas. All of the other ones. I just can't even. I feel like Marvel is all we watch sometimes - but I guess that's life in the rainy Oregon winter with a tween, a pre-teen and a very pro-super hero little man!
Another surprisingly easy week planning our menu - you may remember I talked about it in last week's post. But...I credit the success of the finished menu partly because we had dinner out on Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday, which is very unusual for us. So, obviously, that was a lot of eating out and some of those meals got shifted to this week's menu again.
I have begun planning next week's, though. I just hate it when Thursday comes around and I don't have any dinners planned for the week because then the building of my grocery list takes so much longer!
I came up with the idea of Josh working on a grocery list builder for you based off the weekly menus. Would you let me know if that would be helpful to you? Not sure how feasible it is, but we'll see!
I'm really digging this week's menu, especially because of how I was feeling yesterday. Simple, fast, and easy is the name of the game when it comes to the dinners I've planned out.
And I am totally fine with that!
Don't forget you can always take a look back into some of older menus for other great dinner ideas. Every week, I pin our most recent menu to my Weekly Menu board on Pinterest.
Have a great week everyone!!
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