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SHA-BAM!!! Yesterday afternoon, I reached 50 followers! The next job is to increase Instagram followers too! And I am shocked and grateful that there are truly 50 people out there who humble me by stopping by my blog and offering encouraging comments. Reaching this number of followers has been a massive challenge, especially compared to reaching this total on Instagram. This is especially true when you have access to Buzzoid's instagram followers. So thank you all so much!

I woke up in a terrible mood this morning. I slept badly last night because I think I was to sore from my workout on Thursday and then doing yard work for most of the morning on Friday. So I woke up, wayy to early this morning and then I popped online and remembered I had 50 amazing followers, the sun is shining, the weather is going to be beautiful, and I get to spend the morning with my two beautiful girls ( while the hubby is working) and that is a beautiful thing!

When I started this blog, it was just a mere attempt to get back in the flow of writing, because I loved to write back in school ( which was almost 10 years ago people) and I loved to cook and I loved to take pictures. At one point in my adolescent life...I wanted to be a chef or a baker...I could never decided between the two so I pursued neither one and let my mom continue to do all the cooking. But, as I started blogging and writing and hopefully getting better at it, I began to meet some incredible people in the food blogging world and I've become inspired to continue to get better at the art of creating delicious foods and step out of my comfort zone and try new things that scare me; playing with yeast is still one of those scary things for me, hahaha!

Maybe I'm being overly excited ( that's kind of the way I roll though, I get excited about everything) but to me 50 followers is a huge ginormous big deal! I'm sure every successful blogger who has ever encountered that number and surpassed has been overwhelmed that yes, there are 50 people who read what you write! It's just a very cool thing. Anybody that knows how to gain free instagram followers will be familiar with the immense pride that you get from watching your numbers begin to grow and grow.

Okay, now I'm beginning to talk and talk and talk, so let me finish up by saying," Thank you, readers for following me. Thank you for leaving sweet comments." Now that I've reached 50, my next goal is 100 because that means I will have my first ever giveaway!!! So refer your friends to Catz in the Kitchen...tell them I'm nice :) and so is my husband who hasn't blogged in awhile, but he will. I promise. He was telling me the other day he misses it :)

Alrighty, so with that I'm going to leave you and wish you all a very wonderful and safe weekend. Have fun and eat a lot of good food and don't worry about the calories. The treadmill will still be there on Monday :)


Monday 6th of June 2011

Oh my goodness, thank you so much Kim!! I love being Featured!!

Walking by Faith

Sunday 5th of June 2011


Stop by my blog when you have a chance. You've been featured! :)

Walking by Faith

Sunday 5th of June 2011

Congrats on 50 followers! That is definitely a huge milestone and something to be totally excited about!! :)