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Happy 9th Anniversary!!

Today is our 9th Anniversary!! It's hard to believe that we've been married that long, only because it feels like we're still dating. I know we've got all the responsibilities that come with being an adult, but we've been doing this for so long as a partnership that it seems easy most days.

We were just kids when we got married. Literally, he was 18 and I was 19 years old. By the worlds standard, way to young to get married. But, Josh and I firmly believe that when you have found the one you want to be with, why wait? Some may argue that by waiting, you can have a house, and established careers, and money in the bank just sitting there. We didn't have those things when we got married and I believe we're stronger for it! We jumped into our marriage and never looked back :) Ironically, we also got pregnant on our honeymoon :) Josh was working full time and going to school full time and I was working two jobs, but it's those first few years that really showed what we were made of as a young couple with a little baby in tow. I would never take back those years discovering each other and being completely dependent on the other. We are best friends!

We still have a lot of growing and learning to do together as a couple. By no means are we the perfect married couple, but he's the perfect partner for me and I, for him. Nine years, and 2 kids, plus 1 on the way, along with a crazy cat and it is a wonderful life! I'm so happy I married this incredible man!

Happy Anniversary Josh! I love you so so much!!!
P.S. I'm taking the rest of the week off from the blog to play with my hubby :) Have a great rest of your week!


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