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Weekly Menu on Brief Hiatus

I really enjoy writing out our menu on here each week, but, I think that for the rest of the month, the posting of the menu is going to take a break. I discovered last week, that since having company in town, flexibility is key and I know I'm not going to be able to plan for meals over the course of the next few weeks.

As I mentioned last week, My dad and his wife Jin came into town and we had a wonderful time with them. Jin made traditional Chinese Dumplings (that's pot stickers to us Americans) that were incredible! We have a ton of leftover dumplings in our freezer too.

Now, on Wednesday, the fun begins again. Josh's grandparents who are missionaries in Africa are coming into town from driving from Mississippi. Grammy shares my mother in love's birthday, which also happens to be Eden's birthday. So we'll have 3 generations of family celebrating their birthday on the same day. The very next day, my dad and Jin come back into town for the night and leave the following morning. And then the following week, Josh's uncle is coming to town to get his oldest situated into college and we'll be staying with my in-laws along with Josh's sister and her husband. We will be spending every evening with family I'm sure....and I'm not to sure how much cooking that means for me. Typically in the past, we're over at my in-law's every night.

And if that's not enough, at the end of the month, both Eden and Grace will be gone camping with my parents for a few days.

My guess is, when we get around to grocery shopping, we'll be throwing a lot of typical grocery products into the cart and maybe a few dinner making items here and there. This is a good and bad thing for me. Good for the fact that I can probably get away with throwing makeup into the cart and actually buying them, but it's bad for the blog seeing as though, there won't be a ton of cooking.

Please be patient with me as I try to figure out what all this family entails for the blog, lol! The good thing is I adore every person in my in-law's family so it will be a ton of fun! Either way, I'll figure out how to entertain you all somehow :)


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