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Tuesday’s Tidings for August 14, 2012

1. Guess what?

We’re having a boy!!!!! We are so excited! And I have absolutely nothing, except for a few hand-me downs that looked brand new, lol! Let the shopping begin!!!!

2. I have a feeling, that this little dude is going to grow up and become an olympic gymnast. That or he’s going to join the circus and be an acrobat! He is very very active, which I am completely loving!

3. So I have a reputation for killing blow-dryers. I’m not sure how I manage to defect them, but they never last me long. My current one, I’ve had for less that a year. Friday, it started making a very odd awful noise. Like there is something stuck in the motor. But it’s not very powerful anymore, so now I’m stuck with letting my hair air-dry and only blowdrying my bangs. I’m sure my hair is appreciating the break from the heat, and I’m learning to embrace my naturally curly/wavy/frizzy hair. It’s summer right, I guess I can get away with the unkept thing.

4. The older ladies who work at my local Goodwill are getting to the point where they recognize me when I walk in. They’ve begun waving at me and I swear, they give each other that knowing glance that says,” Here comes Preggo again, off to buy out all the good and newly stocked maternity items.” LOL! Seriously, I walk out of there with really nice stuff. I just can’t rationalize spending full price on clothing I won’t wear for very long.

5. One of the perks to being pregnant, my nails are growing super fast. Like I trimmed bit them last week and they are already super long again. My hair, I got colored and cut back at the beginning of July, it’s already grown out of it’s cut and color and I need to go back again. But I think I’ll wait till September to get it done again.

6. One of the cons of being pregnant is that for the last week, I’ve been extremely emotional. Like one minute crying and sobbing and the next minute blowing a fuse and then crying about how angry I am. LOL! I think I just need a cookie. Anybody have a cookie?

7. Tomorrow is Eden’s birthday. She’ll be 4 years old. Maybe that’s why I’m emotional. I don’t want her growing up any more!

8. Yesterday, Josh and I celebrated our 10 year dating anniversary! Josh wanted to make a chocolate lava cake for us…at 9pm! It was the thought that counted, but the bowl of popcorn he made was equally  as good!

9. How many of you have a facebook account? It’s weird to me, when I see people subscribing to my whatever…and I have no idea who they are. Kind of Creeepy!!! I really need to play with my privacy settings some more.

10. My 10 yr high school reunion was last Friday. I’m wishing I had played in the photo booth a lot more, lol!


Tuesday 4th of September 2012

Yay for little boys!! I've so been looking forward to hearing what you are having, and then I disappeared from commenting for a couple of weeks. But I'm so glad to see this. So many boys are coming. You are going to love being a mamma of a little guy!!