This has been one really cold week! It's been getting down in the 20's during the day and as low as the teens at night and when we go outside, we're all freezing our little booties off! I ran to Joanne's Fabric Store yesterday to get some new ribbon for our tree and a garland for our fireplace before I met Josh and the kids at the grocery store and the car never warmed up and of course I forgot my gloves. But, the good news is we FINALLY got our tree up and the inside of the house is decorated. Josh even put a few lights up outside. (I don't think we're going to do what we usually do because we are a bit behind on the outside decorating, but now at least it doesn't look like we don't have a holiday spirit).
While the weather is certainly nipping at my nose, it doesn't bother me to much. Christmas time is supposed to be cold and chilly. I just wish we had the snow to match the temperatures. Some states have all the luck! :)
This weekend, we're celebrating Christian's birthday! Can you believe he is going to be ONE years old on the 17th?? It's blowing my mind. I'm not really ready for his first year to be behind us. While there certainly are frustrations with having a baby under one, it really is such a miraculous time and I will miss it. But onto more exciting things right? I'm really excited for his party. We have all of his gifts and I figured out what kind of cake and cupcakes I'm making for the party. It will be low-key, easy, and full of love. I cannot wait to see him dig into his little cake!
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