In some ways October seems to be the month that keeps on going...and yet, I cannot even believe that Halloween is tomorrow and Thursday is the first day of November. Which basically means let all things Christmas commence.
Did I mention that it was only last week I put up the few fall decorations I own? I really weeded out my fall decor bin this year and donated a lot of the orangy items because it just really doesn't go with the colors in my home. My walls are blue and grey and while grey goes with pretty much everything, blue does not.
Don't tell my husband, but I actually want to repaint those walls a white-ish color. It's been on my mind for about a year, but painting is just...well it's a job. But it is the cheapest and fastest way to change the look of a home and I just want white and shiplap everything. It also helps that 86% of the colors we chose for our home when we moved in 3 years ago look nothing like they did on the swatches. So really, I'm not changing my mind, I'm just tired of living with blue walls.
Ya feel me?
It definitely feels like fall this week. We've had rainstorms, wind, and cold temps - which means I'm officially curling up into all of my fall sweaters and turning the fireplace on - when Ruby isn't around. We have to teach her about FIRE and HOT still.
I think you'll like this week's menu - it's simple and delicious. Just the way I like it. Again, it's a mixture of using ingredients leftover in the fridge and pantry to create more meals and then eating leftovers up. We actually did amazing with that last week. By the time our grocery shopping trip rolled around, our fridge was pretty bare!
I'm going to link to my Thanksgiving board for ideas this week - Thanksgiving I know is still about three-ish weeks away, but I don't know about you...when it's my year to host, I like to plan my menus out in advance so I can begin shopping and stocking up early.
BTW - who else is with me...I care more about the sides at Thanksgiving than I do about the turkey. One of these days, I'm going to eat a deep fried one! I hear ya never go back after that!
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