How was everybody's weekend? Can you believe that this is the last week of January? Who remember the month of January from last year? Remember it felt like it was the longest month ever, the January that never ended? How did this January feel? In my opinion...still slightly long. Everything I think feels long after a short December. Christmas always approaches way too fast!
We took it kind of slow this weekend. On Saturday, I accompanied Josh to a work gathering - a few people from his office got together for food and games. We brought our bacon and egg potato salad as our side (handy and easy to throw together). On Sunday, we had church and Josh took the three littlest kids to the annual auto show while I took Grace to Old Navy to try on clothes (basically trying to teach her the basics of a capsule wardrobe). I showed her how to style one dress seven different ways! (Proud moment for this mama!)
If you follow me on Instagram or watch my stories then you probably already know that I got a tooth pulled last Tuesday and it sucked big time. I'd never had a tooth pulled before and I just thought it would be no big deal - pretty much laid me up most of the week! I felt terrible, I was strong meds, and now I have to be careful about what I eat. Basically, all of this is to say that this is a very loose menu of our meals and I'll be picking at some of the things that I can actually eat, haha!
I hope this week of meals is encouraging to you and that you find some helpful ideas for your menu. Since soft foods are the easiest for me to eat this week, how about I share with you my Pasta board on Pinterest? You can never go wrong with pasta in my opinion!
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