I would say "Fall" is officially here for us Oregonians. My absolute favorite of all the seasons. It takes my breath away to write this post and know that already it's September 20th! Where did the month go? In our beautiful neck of the woods here in Wilsonville, the trees are well on their way in the changing of colors. I'll have to take a picture of it, because it's so beautiful!
The leaves are already starting to fall, in fact Eden loves to stop and try and pick up every leaf she encounters. It's pretty cute. We even got caught in our first down pour this weekend. It pretty much rained all weekend long with the exception of maybe an hour here and there. We went grocery shopping Saturday evening and on our way home it started to rain so hard. We all made a mad dash to our apartment door...I was pretty soaked by the time I got to the door because I was wearing heels, lol! But nothing a good fire and pajamas can't fix. I just felt bad for Josh because once he got us all inside the apartment, he had to go back out in the rain and bring in the groceries. He's so good!
Next week we're going to be on vacation! We are all so excited! We're going to Sunriver and we're hoping to leave for the Cabin on Monday. We'll be gone the whole week! It's been years since Grace has been there...I think she was 2 ½ the last time she was there and that means Eden has never been there. I think the kids are going to have a blast. The wonderful thing about Sunriver is that it's not a fast paced place. It really forces you to slow down and enjoy every moment which is what were looking forward to doing as a family...and so far the weather is looking real good too. That being said...Most likely there will not be a weekly menu for that week. Were going to be bringing a lot of food with us so that we can make some meals, but were also going to be eating out a bit. But, I do have a menu for this week. I have 8 possible dinner meals for this week...Impressive, I know. And I think I have figured out which meals I'm going to be using.
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