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Weekly Menu 12/27- Jan/1

How was everyone's Christmas? Our's was good. I'm really happy it's over and done with though. This past week was a bit of a rough one on me emotionally so I am doing much better now that it's behind me. Does this make me a scrooge? Oh and did I mention we took all of our decorations down on Sunday? I had it all down and my house back to normal by 2pm Sunday. My poor completely wonderful husband though, what a trooper. We've been having a bit of a windy rainstorm the last few days and he took all of our lights down in the rain, and took 3 trips to our apartment garage carrying our Christmas bins outside in the cold cold rain and then disposed of our tree. He had such a good attitude about it, maybe it was because I thanked him a million times for doing all of it for me.

Eden was not a happy camper Sunday morning though. She kept yelling at us to put everything back and to stop taking the lights and ornaments down. Yesterday afternoon, she told me she wanted the tree back. I feel kind of bad, but I know that when they are adults and with kids, they too, will want everything put away and they will come to understand that their mommy wasn't being a meanie. She just wanted order to her house again.

I've been debating on doing a Weekly menu this week only because we won't be going grocery shopping till maybe the we're trying to get by on what's around until please bare with me if I appear to be somewhat clueless on what's for dinner.

We had Taco Bell
Impressive, I know
Breakfast Burritos with leftover ham from Christmas, bacon, eggs, cheese and potatoes.
Possibly Pizza or Josh will fix something. Our friend Sam is coming over and I'll be at the gym so I won't be cooking at all.
Josh may be making Chicken Taquitos...per my sis Jewelissa's request because they are coming over for dinner.
(Happy New Years Eve)
I am really hoping to go out to dinner with my hubby on this night. I never got to go to dinner with Josh on my b-day (it just didn't work out and yes, I'm a bit bitter about it)
Hopefully we'll go grocery shopping and maybe...I don't know...make something good.
Again, I'm clueless
I am taking a baking break this week. I'm low on a lot of ingredients and I'm slightly burned out from all the baking I did on Christmas Eve and on Christmas. I need the week to regroup and refocus and restock my house before I can dive back into my cooking and baking routine again. I promise next week...I just might be back to my old self again ;)


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