Before I launch into the menu of the week, I just want to say, my heart and prayers are going out to the people of Japan. Such a devastating time for everyone, but especially of those in Japan. It makes everything else that is going on in our lives seem so unimportant when there are people dying every second. There are many ways to help the people of Japan, but one of the easiest ways is to go through the Red Cross. You can visit the Red Cross website at or text 90999 to donate money from your phone. The Red Cross is asking for a simple donation of $10.00 which is not a lot of money, but it can do so much to help.
Now for the Menu of the Week. I woke up with a sore throat this morning and a slight cough...which is now giving me the excuse to finally go to the Dr. and get some medicine for the Sinus Infection I've had for over a year. Yes, I said, over a year. That is how much I try and avoid the Dr.'s office.
A couple of fun things are going on this week. Gracie starts guitar lessons on Tuesday, which she is really excited about. Unfortunately, Joel Harris who has taught everyone in Josh's family music is a very busy guy and he can only fit Grace in this month until the summer. But the two lessons she'll be having this month will determine if she is ready to start guitar, or if she would have an easier time learning piano first and then moving on to guitar, which is what a lot of kids do. Also, we have St. Patrick's Day this wear green. I always say I don't need to wear anything green, because of my eyes :)
A lot of the meals, you will notice are from last week. Josh was on vacation and Grace spent some time with my parents because we did her Spring Break this week as well. So, most of the meals are ROMFLW. ( Roll over meals from last week)
Polynesian Chicken with Rice and roasted Asparagus
( Grace has her guitar lesson this day, so I'll be making ahead this meal)
Shepard's Pie with a fruit salad and maybe rolls
Crockpot Minestrone Soup and Rolls or bread sticks
( Awana Night)
Lentil Loaf and Green Beans
Date Night =)
Split Pea Soup and maybe a simple sandwich
I had so many ideas for something fun to do with Gracie for St. Patrick's Day, but I think since the week is already kind of busy and adding to it that I have a cold...I might just simplify things a bit. Eden is going on a growth spurt kick I believe, and she is walking up to me every 15 minutes saying," I Hungee" and I would love a yummy dessert for just me.
Banana Bread- I think this would make a great snack for Eden and Grace
St. Patty's Day Cupcakes...out of a mix, I'm sorry to say. But I think Grace would have fun frosting the cupcakes with the green frosting I have.
Orange Yogurt Loaf Cake- it just looks amazingly delicious and light
And Josh's mom made Eclair Cake on Friday and I've been craving it since. It's the perfect amount of Chocolate to make a girl happy ;)
Are you baking anything special for St. Patty's Day?
Katie @ This Chick Cooks says
Your slow cooker minestrone sounds great. I may have to make that and some breadsticks.
PeanutJoy says
We had shepherd's pie Tuesday too!! :)