I can't believe this is the last full week of January. In some ways it feels like it's dragged on and in other ways I just don't where the month went. Christmas was just here wasn't it and now all the stores are decorated for Valentine's Day.
When I was a kid, the days and months just blurred together in one long stretch. Now that I'm a Wife/Mom...I understand my mom's groans of there not being enough hours in a day. Even today I woke up fairly early with a plan of how I wanted my day to go and it hasn't gone the way I had planned and many of the things I wanted to get done I haven't even started yet. The laundry still needs to be folded and put away, and my bathroom needs to be cleaned, and I haven't even touched my Bible Study today. Ugh...and here I am blogging. Laundry, bathroom cleaning, and Bible Study are next on my list of things to do, but I did need to finish the grocery list so that we could go grocery shopping tonight.
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