Today, (Tuesday) is actually Josh's birthday and we've been doing some fun celebrating over the weekend. We had his family over to the house on Saturday for one of Josh's favorite dinners, Oriental Chicken Salad and Texas Sheet Cake which came out almost like Josh's mom's. Josh's mom always makes the cake, and I thought it was high time for me to tackle it. The cake itself turned out great, but the frosting...well it just tasted a little too powdered sugary for me. The recipe card I have states a box of powdered sugar. I didn't even know there were boxes of powdered sugar, I always grab the bags...and there were no directions for measuring. Just a box. So I threw in a whole huge bag of powdered sugar. LOL, the frosting was good...a little thick for the cake I made, but still edible. I'm going to make the cake again in the next week or so and get the precise measurement because I just can't make a mistake like that again.
So how are your weeks going? Aside from celebrating the greatness of my hubby today, this weekend we have dentist appointments. UGH! It's been a year since we've been and I know I have a cavity or two. I know this because they told me a year ago I did. But since then we've moved and we really don't want to drive 25 miles to that dental office when we have one right down the street. I'm nervous, this is Eden's 1st appointment, so I'm hoping it goes well for all of us. But I told the girls if they both walk away without cavities, we'll take them to go see Beauty and the Beast in 3D! I'm not so much a 3D person. I end up getting a headache about 25 minutes into the movies, same with IMAX. But I'm willing to suck it up for the girls.
Also, school and Awana start back up this week. I'm feeling a tad bit like Super Mom because I had school going at about 9:45am and Grace was finished at 10:50am, which was perfect because their "Papa" took the girls to Salem to go see their daddy at lunch. Which meant, I got to go to gym while it was still light out an I worked my butt off there for an hour and I'm feeling the exertion now. I'm feeeellling verrry sleeepy! But, that also meant, I got all the ingredients for Josh's special birthday dinner tonight :)
Kristen says
That butternut and penne sounds wonderful. Hope you have a delicious week!!