The next few weeks are going to be a whirl as we finish up getting school done and doing some of our bigger Awana activities. Eden was under the weather last week, and over the weekend she's relapsed again and I think she is also fighting off some allergies. The Awana grand prix is this Thursday night and Josh is the tech guy who is setting up all the stuff. The girls got their cars carved yesterday and we need to paint them today or tomorrow. And who knows when we will actually have time to grocery shop. So we're all kind of running around like crazy headless chickens right now. And on top of that, we leave for California in two weeks. Since we're so busy and our meals are going to be a kind of think on our toes kind of thing, I'm not going to be doing a weekly menu for the next few weeks. I plan to be back at it when we get back from California, but I'm just not sure how much I will be able to follow through with our menu, even if I make one. For all I know, we could be eating Fried Egg Sandwiches every night for dinner for the next two weeks, lol!
I will still be scheduling posts for the rest of the weeks until I leave, but the week were gone, I won't be posting at all, EXCEPT for the Crazy Cooking Challenge recipe, which we've already made. My wonderful sister in law over at KitchenJoy, will be linking that up for me, since I will most likely be on the road. Yes, you heard me right. We are driving to California with two kids in the car. Please, Pray for me ;)
Have a great week everyone :)
Chaya says
Take a deep breath and enjoy every moment of the hectic times.