This is not my typical week in the kitchen. Grace has left today to go camping for the week with my parents and like I've said many times in the past, cooking without her, isn't fun. So Josh and I are trying to plan easy nights, because we don't want to make a ton of food. That being said, this week is also a little up and down. Josh has a dinner meeting Wednesday night, so it's just going to be me and Edie and I have no idea what to make or what my craving will be for that night.
I guess this should be preparing me for when Grace and Eden leave me to go camping for another week with my parents. Josh and I are already freaking out slightly about what we're going to do with ourselves. For 8 years, we've always has our babies with us, except for a few weeks here and there in the past when it was just Grace and Josh and I went on a few vacations without her. But we've never been without both kids for more than a night. I don't know what to do! I feel like I should be celebrating being childless for a week, but for me, it's kind of lonely. Other than going to the gym while it's still light out, I'm not sure what I'll do to occupy myself during the day. At least Josh has to go to work. I'm a stay at home where does that leave me? I guess I could go shopping one day. But, that's not to exciting, and because it's going to be full on summer when they are both gone, I can't do a lot of baking or cooking (unless it's a lot of no bake) because we don't have air conditioning...well except in our bedroom. I'm going to have to find some activities to keep myself entertained with I guess. Any suggestions? I don't want to do anything to fun because I know I'll just want to share it with Josh. Sooo, what's a pregnant girl to do with herself?
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