1. Did anyone else have a really hard time dealing with Aurora, CO shooting? I felt like I was in a fog all weekend and that I'm just now kind of coming out of it. I think it's important to keep all the victims and their families in our prayers.
2. The baby is now the size of a mango!!! I'm 18 weeks and feeling some definite movement now. I'm loving it. Last night I was laying in bed and I could feel the mango squirming around trying to get comfortable, perhaps. I was pushing all over my stomach trying to locate it and I finally found a hard lump near the bottom of my stomach. I was pestering it like crazy and it just kept moving away from me, which was pretty funny. I used to do that when Eden was in my tummy too. It was always endlessly entertaining.
3. My deep dark craving this past week was ice cream bars! Not just any kind of ice cream bar, but the kind that is really coated in chocolate and makes a big crunch or snap when you take that first bite into it. That was what I wanted. Josh went out and bought me a box of the Magnum Ice Cream bars (which happened to be on sale) and they were awesome. Not only were the calories really low, but that first bite was AAAAmazing!!!!
4. I can almost set my clock to it...I get hungry every two hours after a meal. Like starving! I need more healthy snacks in this house.
5. So there is this guy at the gym who is really nice, but kind of won't leave me alone. He is younger than me at the prime age of 21 years old and is always striking up a conversation with me. I told him a few months ago, very casually, that I was married and expecting my 3rd child. This didn't really seem to phase him much. So last week, Josh met me at the gym on his lunch break and planted a big smooch on me while the guy was there. And then when I went back later in the week for another workout, the guy proceeded to talk to me while I was on the elliptical for 15-20 minutes! Clearly, at this point I look like I'm pregnant. He clearly knows I'm married, seeing as though I bring up the husband's name every 5 secs. Either he just likes my company and thinks I'm oh so sweet or what...I don't know. I'm kind of afraid to think of the latter. So I'm just not flattering myself and going there. I'm just going to keep thinking that he likes my sparkling personality and that's all there is to it.
6. I gotta tell you, collecting your shows on dvr is awesome. Josh and I ended up letting a couple seasons pile up on our dvr and we've slowly been working our way through each show. I love this, because I don't have to wait weeks in between each episode and no commercials and it's just awesome! We just finished watching the Fringe season finale! So awesome! I think, though, now we're out of shows. He wants to watch X-Files and I'm like Nooooo! These are the times I really miss and wish 24 was back on tv. Speaking of good old Kiefer, has anyone watched his new show Touched? I know it got picked up for another season. Is it pretty good?
7. I found a dress to wear to my 10 yr reunion! I was kind of struggling with what to wear. It's been suggested that we dress in Cocktail wear. And while I love this, I was debating on what to dress my pregnant body in. I really hated the idea of buying a maternity dress just for the occasion. So I went through my closet the other day and found one of my Little Black Dresses, that will work perfectly! The material is very breathable and non squashing, but yet still elegant enough to work. And the funny thing is, I don't even look pregnant in it. I'm debating about buying a pair of heels to go with it. I've still got those Neon Yellow Peep-Toe Slingbacks in the back of my head. I think I need to head back out to DSW and grab them.
8. Speaking of reunions, how many of you (if your old enough to have already had one) went to your 10 yr? I really debated about it for a long time. High School wasn't exactly the best experience I've ever had, but there are a lot of people I've kind of reconnected with, that I didn't really talk to much back then, and it would be nice to mingle and get to know them better and maybe strike up some more friendships. At any rate, at the price I was able to lock in for the reunion, it's not a lot of money for Josh and I. I mean, well it is, but it's not and it's only for a couple of hours. There will be an after party at a nearby bar, but seeing I'm part of the no drinking club right now, we won't be attending that. Either way, it should be a fun night, right? Right????
9. Did I forget to tell you that my cough is completely gone? I can't remember. Anyways, it's so gone it's in Norway by now! The rib fracture, however is still here. But, each week I like to tell myself that the pain is more bearable than the previous week.
10. We ate shallots last night! I've been wanting to try them for awhile, but I was kind of scared...cuz I hate me some onions! But these, we're really good. Crunchy, yet they didn't have that horrible flavor that most onions have. Even my girls gobbled them up, and loved them!
glutenfreehappytummy.com says
i agree, the news out of aurora was so tragic. life is so fragile and precious.