Super Bowl is on Sunday! Yes, I figured out when it is and I even figured out who is playing (thanks to the Super Bowl t-shirts hanging up in my grocery store). I can't say I'm rooting for a particular team considering I don't even watch the sport. But if I had to choose, I would choose the Seahawks because they are from Washington, which is the state directly above me and my sister and brother in law live there. So there is that. Onto the food! (Side note, some of the pics were before we got our new camera and are older posts. I am working on going through the older posts and re-editing them.)

BLT Sliders

Slow-Cooker Turkey Sloppy Joe Sliders

These are all very easy and simply delicious recipes that I know I would enjoy at a Super Bowl Party! Happy Super Bowling!!
Karen @ The Food Charlatan says
Great round up Chels! You're making me hungry. Those butterscotch brownies are calling my name.
Jocelyn says
Every one of these look fabulous!! Now I'm hungry!! :)
Chels/Catz in the Kitchen says
Thanks Ladies! How was your Super Bowl Sunday?