1. Isn’t Christian totally adorable here? How I still manage to teach him discipline is beyond me.
2. Josh sent me this insanely weird link the other day. I don’t get it. I scrolled through it kind of scratching my head. But he likes it. So tell me what you think!
3. Today’s post I’m currently writing while waiting to be admitted to my hospital room in the hospital. Fun huh? Pray for me.
4. Yesterday, it was over 80 degrees. In October! Can you believe it?? I keep having to pull out my summer clothes that I already packed away. What’s the weather doing where you’re at?
5. I know it’s only 9:30 am, but I’m starving since I haven’t eaten since about 7:30pm last night. I could really go for this burger or this danish. But since I’m having oral surgery, I’ll probably need to eat something more like this bowl full of mush.
6. If you follow me on Instagram then you know I got some mail the other day. Deborah Harroun has a new cookbook out, and if you love red velvet…she is the expert! It’s available on Amazon now, and we’ll be giving away a copy soon!
7. Jennifer (my sister-in-love) over at KitchenJoy sent me this insanely adorable pin that combines two of my all-time favorite things – big cats and fall!
8. This video of a kitten being rescued by fire fighters is amazing. GoPro just has way to easy a time with the marketing thing!
9. Well, we’re going to end at 9 today! I’m in my hospital gown and ready for surgery, so I should probably focus on that…have a great week!
Thursday 9th of October 2014
All the best with your oral surgery. I will keep you in my prayers. ~ Catherine