You guys! We. Had. SUN. Yesterday! I'm telling you, 58 degrees never felt so good! At one point, the kids and I were waiting in the car for Josh to grab a couple of things in a store and it got so warm in the car that I opened the sun roof (all the way) and rolled down my window, too!
Granted, I had to roll it back up once we got driving again, but, still, the window was down! And, we worked in the yard for two hours yesterday afternoon! Which was a really good thing because the front yard was in some serious need of TLC. While Josh tackled the mowing of the front and back, used the weed eater and fertilized the grass, I got up close and personal with the dirt, worms, and bugs. So. Many. Weeds!!! But now it's all down and it looks good.
I mean, it still looks like it needs some character, like fresh flowers, bark dust, and a little landscaping love in terms of character. But it's an improvement over where it was. Of course, I still need to tackle the backyard which is really just a repeat of the front yard, but I just feel good about the progress made and the possibility that spring may actually be on it's way.
Anyone else get outside and work in the yard or just get outside? One of my friends on the east coast said they are expected to have a blizzard - not fun!
This week's menu is all good stuff that I've made a million times. So, I'd like to think that you can trust me that if you make anything off this week's menu, your family will approve! Of course, feel free to glance at past weekly menus on Pinterest for other yummy dinner options that you and your family may enjoy as well. I promise, there is something for everyone!
With that, have a great week everyone! Oh, and did you see our recently "reshot" Chocolate Guinness Cake on the blog? Seriously, such a yummy cake!
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