I am running on very, very low energy this morning. Bit of a rough night. I woke up at about 2 a.m. with really strong contractions...that were actually Braxton Hicks. I know they say they can get stronger with each pregnancy, and that must be true because some of them were downright painful, but not all consistent. They finally let up after 4 a.m. and things seem to have normalized for me. The little one is still kicking up a storm, and despite being totally exhausted, we seem to be okay!
Word to the wise - pregnant and otherwise - drink more water! We realized in the early hours of the morning that not only did I not really take time to rest yesterday, but I didn't drink any water! Only coffee, an iced coffee (that has water...right?) and a smoothie. Not so smart. I drank a lot of water on Saturday, but apparently, you don't get rollover water. I think the combo of those two things were the problem.
Our weather seem to be a bit all over the place this week. A little sun. A little rain. As per usual, weather affects the menu, so we won't be grilling - too unpredictable - but I am looking forward to a few new recipes this week, while also making good use of what's in the pantry and freezer. Grace helped me clean out both freezers last week, so now I know what I have and hopefully that will help with my menu planning a bit.
I can tell you, we're needing to go to Costco this coming weekend!
Also, thanks for bearing with us over the weekend when our blog went down! We had no idea it was down until Sunday morning. Everything looked normal for us (something to do with caching, maybe?), but the number of visitors we had was basically none! Thankfully, our friend Chris pulled it up on his end and was able to point Josh to the root of the problem in a click or two. The site is (obviously) back up again! So sorry if anyone needed to get to a recipe and couldn't!
Feel free to go through the the Weekly Menu board for more dinner options or check out the recipe archives, both of which are filled with great recipes for you to try! Have a great week everyone!
[…] I am running on very, very low energy this morning. Bit of a rough night. I woke up at about 2 a.m. with really strong contractions…that were actually Braxton Hicks. I know they say they can get str […]