
  1. Rosita Vargas says

    Receta espectacular deliciosa y exquisita,saludos y abrazos.

    • Joshua Rief says

      ¡Gracias! Me alegro de que te guste!

  2. Jenn Cochran says

    Ugh...I want to make this right nowwwwww...but that would throw off my groove. Maybe I should reward myself with it when I've reached my weight loss goal, LOL. That might be counterproductive though...

    • Chels/Catz in the Kitchen says

      Jenn, make it when you have a bunch of people over at your house or at the church so you can get away with a small slice :) Then you won't feel like you are undoing anything :)

  3. Jocelyn says

    Can you make this for me for my birthday??? :) It looks absolutely mind blowing!! And don't worry, I'm sure we all feel like we don't have enough time in the day for everything when there are kids in the house. Someday it won't be that way... :(

    • Chels/Catz in the Kitchen says

      This is definitely a birthday worthy cake! You would love it!


  1. […] year, for Josh’s birthday, I made this Reese’s peanut butter cup cheesecake and it was amazing. This year, he wanted Texas sheet cake and that made me […]

  2. […] year, for Josh’s birthday, I made this Reese’s peanut butter cup cheesecake and it was amazing. This year, he wanted Texas sheet cake and that made me […]

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