Okay, one insanely busy week down, one more to go...! I was going to get online last week and post a blog about Gracie's birthday and what I made her for breakfast, but blogger was down and I never got a chance to get online long enough to get the blog done. So I'm hoping I can post it tomorrow. I've been cleaning all day so I won't have to do it tomorrow, so we'll see, maybe we'll get lucky :)
Tomorrow, we also have some friends coming over to stay a few nights from North Carolina. But after Thursday, I'm thinking my week will settle down a bit. And then I think we're going to have Gracie's birthday party. The weather is all over the place so we're just not sure. I would hate to put it off longer, but...I don't know, we'll see.
We have family in town and so we're going to celebrate my brother in law graduating from Home School High School at Spaghetti Factory
Honey Ginger Chicken Stir fry with Rice
We're having Josh's family over so they can all see our house guests, it's been awhile since we've all been together and Josh will be making his infamous sandwiches with the Panini Grill
Black Bean Chili in the crockpot. The weather is supposed to be in the 70's so I'm hoping to get some yard work done and not have to worry about dinner.
Tuna Casserole with fruit Salad
If we celebrate Grace's birthday, we'll be grilling hot dogs with chips and cake...but if we don't...
Of course, Josh and I are very impromptu, so this menu is always subject to change.
Desserts and Treats
I hope you all have a fantastic week and are getting more sunshine than we are :) Send some our way please, I'm so tired of rain and cold temps :(
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