1. Last night, I slept on the couch. Not for the reasons you might think. My husband and I have a great marriage. But right now, we're both plagued with horrible coughs. Josh has a busy week this week and I was scared my coughing and restlessness would interfere with solid night's rest for him. So I went to the couch and tried to sleep. I say tried, because something possessed our cat last night to go insane and chase things, knock over Grace's vase with her birthday rose, spilling water all over the floor, and about a million other things. I feel like a zombie this morning. And to top it all, my dear hubby ended up sleeping pretty horrible too.
2. I haven't been to the gym in 10 days! UGH! I feel so awful about that! I like going to the gym because I feel so good afterwards and I like taking care of my body, and though I know nothing bad is going to happen because it hasn't worked out, it makes me mad, because now, with this awful cough and my sleepless nights I've been dealing with, I know I'm at risk at getting even more run down and going to the gym always compromises my immune system (which isn't that great to begin with). So...I'm looking into prenatal yoga dvd's. Does anyone have any good recommendations of some yoga/pilates prenatal dvd's that will get the heart rate up for the days when I can't make it to the gym? I would love suggestions.
3. I've started recording a new show on tv. It's called "Breaking Pointe," anyone heard about it? It about a ballet company in Salt Lake City and it's incredibly fascinating. Listening to the dancers talk about how serious they are about their passion, but also what they are willing to give up to help them become the best, only strengthens my position on quitting ballet all those years ago. I think when your working in that kind of industry, you have to choose what is more important. Dance or having a life outside of the bar...and for me, I needed my life.
4. It's June and we have had to turn the heat on in the house. It rained all night. Which means I got out of my evening allergy attack while watering my flowers. It's give and take ya know.
5. My current pregnancy craving is Honey Nut Cheerios with ice cold milk and granny smith apple slices with mozzarella cheese wrapped around them. It's so so good! I can't wait for my lunch and snack time so I can have more, lol!
6. When I first became pregnant with my oldest child, I was sick all the time. I couldn't cook in my kitchen (not that at the time I did a whole lot of cooking) without getting sick, especially when browning beef. Unfortunately, this is a pregnancy curse that has stuck with me ever since, even when I'm not pregnant. Last night, I had to brown some beef and I wanted to die. Now I remember why I rarely ever cook with it, lol!
7. Grace, my oldest, is going camping next week. I'm slightly jealous. My parents are fun people to camp with and the food they make isn't normal camping food. I mean they do the hot dogs thing, but my mom also cooks huge meals like Enchiladas and and lasagna because they have a 5th wheel. I adore my mom's cooking and I'm honestly jealous that my daughter gets to have it, lol! Isn't that a silly thing to be jealous of?
8. Last week I asked Josh how far he would travel to satisfy my pregnancy cravings. He said,"Oh about 10-15 miles away. Why, what are you craving?" I told him I was craving pizza. But not just any pizza. Pizza a Fetta from Cannon Beach, which is like almost 2 hours away. He just laughed at me. :(
9. I think I need to plan a trip to the beach, just for the day and just for that slice of pizza! Okay, maybe a whole box of pizza. Just for me.
10. I saw these cookies last night on pinterest and I cannot wait for Fall now! Who's with me!!
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