1. I got my hair done this past Friday and I am so thrilled. It is exactly what I wanted!!! It's amazing how much better you feel after getting your hair done!

I'm 16 weeks pregnant this week. And I definitely have a bump! The babe is the size of an Avocado...which is really to bad, because right now, avocado's make me want to hurl, lol!
3. So I just have to commend DSW on fantastic customer service. I had bought a pair of heels awhile back, but they were to big. So I was able to return them without a problem. So I bought another pair of the same shoes in a smaller size online. They were wayy to small! Unfortunately, I was slipping all over my carpet so I wore them in my driveway to see if I was at all able to deal with it. But no, I couldn't handle it. So I took them back to the store. The sweet girl who helped me let me return them anyways, even though they can't sell them again and I got store credit for the shoes. I found the hottest pair of neon yellow peep-toe sling backs, and they were calling my name! But alas, I got something very practical that I can bike ride in.

Say hello, to my new blue friends that I got for dirt cheap on clearance! These are sooo not my usual shoe, but they will do the trick for what I needed!
4. So we got Noel her own set of fake nails! These little plastic do-hickey's go over Noel's nails and keep her from scratching our furniture. Believe it or, she was a pretty good kitty about getting them on. We rewarded her handsomely with a nice can of icky wet cat food for her!
5. I am finally feeling better. My cough is so much better and my rib is healing. It still gets really sore if I over-due which I did a lot this past week, but compared to where I was the first week, I'm happy to say that I think I am well on my way to getting to be 100%! However, sneezing and hiccuping is pretty dang painful!
6. Did any of you guys ever watch the new tv series "Awake?" Josh and I started watching it and then felt it was a little boring, and then we found out it didn't get picked up for a second season, but heard the last episode was really good. The last like 4-5 episodes rocked. If they had all been like that, I have no doubt it would of been picked up for another season. It's to bad. It was clean and interesting which is hard to find on tv these days. Now, we're making our way through this season episodes of "Fringe."
7. My satellite got fixed on Wednesday and I have all of my favorite channels back! YAY!
8. I want to go shopping in a bad way!!
9. I had a mini heart attack this morning. I thought I had lost my coupon envelope at the grocery store with a few very precious coupons still in it. Thankfully, after tearing my purse, my grocery bags, and my bedroom apart...I found the envelope. In the very back of my coupon binder. Ugh, my pregnancy brain is making me lose stuff nearly everyday. Don't even get me started on my weird dreams.
10. Has anyone else ever had problem with Walgreens and getting them printed out because they looked "Professional?" I had an encounter with a Walgreens employee on Friday who encountered my wrath. Let's just say if he had been nicer, and handled to situation with proper customer service, the outcome could of been a lot different. But I got my pictures and we are going to file a complain with this employee. Ugh!
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