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Tuesday’s Tidings for May 21, 2013

1. On Monday, (yesterday) we drove into Coeur d’Alene, ID yesterday! I had never been to Idaho before, but I’ve heard amazing things about the city. We have friends who live there and my sister and her husband live about an hour away. We went on a beautiful 10 mile bike ride following the Centennial Bike Trail and it was just beautiful! I would love to visit the city another time and do more fun things, like go on one of the cruises along the lake.

2. I just have to take a moment and tell you how proud I am of little Christian. He was in the car for over 8 hours on Saturday on our drive up to Cusick, WA and he was very good. He did fuss a few times, but not for very long. We’ve never taken a baby on a long trip before so I think Josh and I were both pretty nervous about it. Christian is sleeping pretty good considering he’s never been away from home before. He only is getting us up once during the night, so it’s not bad for being so far from home.

3. Praying for Oklahoma. My heart is going out to all of the people affected.

4. I need to paint my toenails or get a pedicure. A pedicure would be wonderful. (Hint Hint, Josh.)

5. I’ve said this a lot already, but I’m gonna say it again. Eating fast food on road trips is not fun. Josh and I don’t eat it often, so now that we had to on Saturday, I felt so gross. I refuse to eat more fast food on our way home.

6. Josh and I bought a Bell Cacoon for Eden to ride on my bike. One of my favorite things is that Eden will put her arms around my waist and hug me during our ride.

7. I have a little sunburn from yesterday. It does not make me happy.

8. Grace finished school on Thursday, which means we are done until Fall! YAY!

9. I went shopping with my sister last week. We got a pretzel at the mall. Now I’m craving pretzels like you wouldn’t even believe! Shame on you Jewel!

10. I need to learn how to make pretzels!