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Tuesday's Tidings for July 16, 2013

1. We went berry picking early Sunday evening. Christian had such a blast-he kept trying to eat the raspberries out of Josh's hand.

2. My freezer is stocked with raspberries and marionberries. But I need more. I have a problem. I need to go to berry hoarders anonymous club. Do they have those kinds of clubs?

3. My hanging flower baskets are infested with a bud worm. I'm not to thrilled about this. So now I need to go buy some sort of spray. Blah!

4. Did you hear? The Pioneer Woman's new cookbook comes out in Fall and it's all holiday dishes! SWOON- I cannot wait!

5. Josh has started taking pictures of the moon over the past few nights. This was last night's moon. Isn't she pretty?

6. Last Thursday, I took Grace to a cooking class hosted by one of my friends I met through blogging. She is the sweetest lady and Grace had such a blast!

7. Last night was the first night since Thursday that Christian has gone down to sleep without a fuss and in his own bed. He's been teething these last few days and fighting sleep and only sleeping in his swing.

8. I'm craving cake. What kind of cake do you think I should make?

9. What are your thoughts on printed pants? I know they are all the rage right now, but I can't understand why? It is a trend I'm looking forward to leaving. I just don't think it's flattering on any figure type.

10. It is supposed to be in the 90's today. Please help me!


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