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Tuesday's Tidings for March 18, 2014

1. Sick kids were my life last week. Eden caught the cold that was floating around and Christian not only got the cold but also an ear infection. There were many times I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown, but we all made it through and Christian and Eden are much better.

2. These are the kind of tweets my husband sends to me. Sometimes, I laugh and other times...I just shake my head.

3. I'm so excited-Josh bought me my very first rose bush over the weekend. I've been wanting one for a few years now and we got one and planted it in one of our pots this weekend. We got some great tips from Josh's dad on Sunday, but I want to hear more. What's your favorite rose?

4. I worked out at home AND went to the gym yesterday-for the first time in over a month!! With everyone being sick I hadn't been able to work out and I was starting to feel it, even though I was doing yard work and cleaning. It's not enough ya know and it felt so good to be back in the swing of things. A bit sore this morning, but it's the best kind of sore.

5. I have a hair appointment at the end of the week and I'm seriously thinking about cutting some inches off my hair. I just think it would make it healthier, but I don't know if I really want to start snipping inches off my hair. What do you guys think? Should I cut my hair?

6. Primroses! When we were at Lowe's over the weekend we picked up a few goodies. Eden fell in love with a pair of gardening gloves and Grace went head over heels for this really adorable kids yellow rake so we grabbed those, but while we were looking at sheds for our backyard, we saw the marked down section in the garden department and they had Primroses for $1 and hanging baskets for like $8! So we grabbed some. We had worked in the yard over the weekend and I was just craving flowers and since everything was marked down-it's not a big deal if they don't survive. But the front of my house just kind of pops with color now.

7. Wednesday night is our Awana Grand Prix and the kids have been working hard over the last few days to finish their cars and they are so adorable! I'll post a picture next week.

8. This salad from Pinch of Yum-I literally can't wait for the weather to warm up a bit to make this!

9. I've been taking advantage of some of the free photo deals through Shutterfly and Walgreens and developing some pictures of flowers. Josh and I want to redo the girls room this summer (after we clean out the garage) and I thought having some pictures that we took together would be fun and personal in their room.

10. Walking into Joanne Fabrics makes me want to be crafty. I see all these things and my mind get jumbled with so many ideas and I just feel crafty! But on a side note-those who are looking into homeschooling, they have a great section of stuff you can buy to home educate and it's all really cheap. I wandered into that aisle the other day because I ran out of stickers for Eden's school work and I needed more.


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