1. My kids get their creative genes from their father. I can't draw or color or paint at all. But my kids, astound me all the time with how good they are quickly becoming. Lately, Grace and Eden have been working on drawing people and Eden drew this picture of herself wearing the same outfit. The detail she drew into the shirt is really good. Kids, I'm not just saying that because she is my child-she honestly is, really talented! It's no wonder she wants to be a fashion designer when she grows up. :)
2 Yesterday, Josh and I got the opportunity to go out for a date night! We went and saw "The Hundred-Foot Journey" and it was fantastic! I can't wait to own it. Such a beautifully filmed movie with excellent acting, fantastic character development, and a charming story. If you have a chance to go see it, do it before it's out of theaters.
3. Yesterday it was 93 degrees. Today, it's supposed to be 80 degrees. Where is my jeans and sweater, and sweatpants weather?
4. Not sure if you heard or not-but a lot of people (my husband included) are all pumped up about the Apple release last week. I certainly do not care about these things, though I realize its an interest of my hubby so I try and act excited (emphasis on try). I think one of the reasons I have a hard time mustering up the enthusiasm is because I don't want a bigger phone. I thought the size of the first iPhone was great and since then it's getting bigger and bigger and now it's #biggerisbigger. Regardless, I ended up having Josh order me a new one too. I was ready for my upgrade and settled on the smaller of the two phones.
5. It sounds like Josh is going to buy me a subscription to Taste of Home magazine! Yes! I haven't had it for a few years and I've missed the magazines. Cooking magazines and parenting magazines are the only ones I read. I've come a long way since my days of devouring Us Weekly and People.
6. After watching The Hundred-Foot Journey Sunday evening, Josh and I decided to finally go and eat at La Provence. We were familiar with their pastries because they have a stand at our local farmer's market, but hadn't yet tried one of their restaurants. Oh, my! I dare say that I would go eat there any day of the week vs. going to Portland City Grill. The restaurant was just our style, the petite entrees are spectacular and allow you the chance to try several different dishes-one of our favorites of the night was definitely the seared scallops with summer coulis. But then for dessert-we also indulged. The Versailles cake was out of this world good. So chocolatey, but so silky-light! I originally thought it would be a great dessert for Josh because of the coffee mousse, but I was surprised how much I loved it! Seriously, out of this world good.
7. I'm thinking that I need to make this casserole.
8. Did you hear Gilmore Girls is finally on Netflix??? How awesome is that! I love that show!!
9. Favorite thing about fall? Go!
10. I'm thinking about taking the plunge, breaking my vow, and decorating for fall since Josh will be gone for the majority of the work week. What do you think?
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