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Tuesday's Tidings for June 16, 2015

Tuesday's Tidings


1. I was wasting time at the mall the other day while Josh took Christian summer shirt shopping at Old Navy and I wondered into H&M and found this dress, which is so comfortable and this hat which is just perfect. I've been looking for a summer fedora for a few years but they never fit my head properly, so I snatched this one when I saw that it did.

2. I made a version of these breakfast egg muffins over the weekend and they were out of this world delicious! All 3 of my kids gobbled them down. They are such a great way to use up leftover produce from the fridge.

3. Josh and I finally watched American Sniper over the weekend too. It was good, really sad. But watching it renewed my love for war movies. Do you have a favorite? 


1. Did you know yesterday was the 800th anniversary of the signing of the Magna Carta? There are a number of amazing things about that, not the least of which is the fact that three of the statutes from the agreement remain on the law books of England to this day. Well, anyway, you can read more about that here.

2. The perfect campfire is an equilateral triangle. Now you know.

3. Have you seen It's actually kind of a neat political tool, given how ridiculously confusing the presidential candidate field is right now. You answer the questions, and the tool tells you who (claims to) share your values. Nifty, if perhaps sad that we need it. Somebody added Jed Bartlet to the roster. They win the internet (disclaimer: these are not my results).



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