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Tuesday’s Tidings (on a Thursday!) for August 20, 2015

Tuesday's Tidings

Just Chels this week! Josh apparently doesn’t have anything interesting to say on Thursdays…

1. If you haven’t seen these two pictures yet of the momma lioness feeding her four newborn baby cubs, then you need too. It is just adorable!

2. I got some new boots from Target over the weekend. You guys, I rarely buy myself shoes anymore. The last time I bought shoes was in March. So I was a little overdue, if I do say so myself. #FirstWorldProblems, I know. 

3. I nabbed this scarf a few weeks ago from a crazy sale from Loft ( I paid $10) for it. I cannot wait till the weather is a little bit more allowing for scarves. It’s just hanging in my closet begging me to put it on.

4. As you all know, we love to grill…pretty much anything. came up with this awesome infographic to use as a quick reference guide for grilling vegetables specifically, which is great, because you what you probably don’t eat enough of? Veggies! Grill them, and you will eat more…I guarantee it!
