Good morning everyone! How was your weekend? I'm hoping that some of you will have a mid-week break while we recognize Veteran's Day. Josh has that day off and we'll also be taking the day off from homeschooling - I'm hoping the day won't be filled with too many errands so that we can relax a little bit, too.
It's been decided that this year, I'll be hosting Thanksgiving for my side of the family. This will be exciting as it is the first holiday we'll have celebrated since moving into our new house. How many of you know where you will be going? I would love to hear about special traditions you guys have, if the family participates by helping out with some of the dishes, where you'll be, and if you are traveling!
I hope you all have a great week and find some helpful dinner ideas from this week's or past menus to help inspire your own menu planning for your family.
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