I hope you all had a nice weekend, and hopefully the weather was better than ours. It was mostly cloudy and rainy here. Somehow, we still managed to get a few things done outside and when I say we, I really mean, Josh and the kids. I kind of just sat there and watched and told them how I wanted things to be…
Sometimes it’s nice to be in cruise director mode.
Josh even got started on building our newest project for our house, another table, but this one is for our eat-in kitchen. I’m really looking forward to seeing the finished product!
Let’s talk about the menu for a second. I have a full menu that I made out this week. But last Thursday, Josh and I had a situation come up that needed medical attention and because of that, we’ve had some family and friends bringing us meals over the past few days – which has been a lifesaver for us! When you’ve got something going on, the last thing you want to think about is cooking!
That being said, some of the meals that are on this week’s menu may get rolled over into next week’s as we finish eating through some completely delicious leftovers…
But for those who are looking for some menu ideas, this week’s menu has them and they all look and sound pretty dang tasty to me. But, you can always take a peek at some of our old menus for other ideas, too!
With that, have a great week everyone and a great holiday weekend!