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Tuesday's Tidings for Feb 7, 2017


1. I may be beating my husband to the punch here, but the latest season of Sherlock is GOOD! Like, really, really good! Better than any previous season I've watched - which is especially impressive because that is a hard to keep at this game and keep doing it well!

2. I finally finished reading Jane Eyre last week and I loved it! Such an engaging book and I just fell in love with Jane's character. I enjoyed reading Pride and Prejudice, and I liked the characters, okay...but I didn't connect with any of them. Except for Mr. Darcy. I actually think I liked him the best. But in Jane Eyre, I was fascinated by not only the character's personalities, but the relationships they shared with each other. Read the book and then watch the movie, because the movie was almost, almost as good as the book.

3. A couple of weekends ago, we also watched Deepwater Horizon. I know, two movies in one weekend! Crazy for us. But it was such a good movie. It felt like a really honest portrayal of the event (I say felt because how would I really know?). The acting was well done - just such a sad, sad situation. If you watched Sully and liked that (we did), chances are you'll like this movie, too. Wahlberg is on a streak with these true-life movies. I think Patriot's Day looks like it will be well made, too. Too soon, though?


1. Book update: still slogging my way through God's War - what a beast this book is! I think I'm almost three quarters of the way through, and there's quite a line up waiting for me when I finish! A whole bunch of Manchester (The Last Lion trilogy and Death of a President) is first up.

2. We had the opportunity to go to an a nice, upscale little bistro-style restaurant with friends here in Portland this past week, and, sadly, it was quite disappointing. We don't do negative reviews here at Catz - i.e., we only write about something if we like it - so I won't do any blasting or calling out, but it's sad when you hear great things about a place and they just don't pan out! I'm no culinary critic - I want every place to be amazing! At least the company was top notch!

3. This cracked me up. And Chels. And a bunch of other people I shared it with. It's so stupid and so simple and so funny. Somebody pinned it from Buzzfeed. I can't find the original link or pin - apologies!


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