I cannot believe that this is the last week of September! Today, or more like tonight, Ruby will officially be two weeks old and, oh, how my heart breaks at the thought! I feel like it was just the beginning of the month that I was anxiously awaiting her arrival and now she's here and the month is coming to an end!
In the two weeks that Ruby has been in our home, she has been an incredibly relaxed and peaceful baby! She cries when she is hungry, when she's getting her diaper changed (my goodness, how she hates that), or when she is getting her clothes changed, and bath time seems to be hit and miss with her. But other than that, she's a great little sleeper, and appears to be very strong and alert.
To be honest, so far, she's been the easiest newborn of our four kids!
I am still recovering from childbirth, of course, but doing well. I'm getting outside almost daily for a walk (since I can't exercise yet) and the only chore Josh is allowing me to do is laundry - which is fine by me because it's my favorite (I know - weirdo!)! But I am so thankful to have Josh here with me and to have the help of the older kiddos.
Our church family is providing us with one more meal this week, and then I think that's it. We have a Chef'd meal coming in to review on Friday, as well, but we also have a menu of dinner ideas we can make for the rest of the week, so we're doing good! Of course, we're keeping it simple around here right now until we get more into the swing of things.
Make sure you check out our Weekly Menu Pinterest board for more dinner ideas and stay tuned later this week for a Pumpkin Recipe Roundup and another DIY post from Josh.
Have a great first week of fall - our weather this week is going to be beautiful, so we're definitely going to make sure we take advantage of it before it gets colder.
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