We had a glorious week! The weather was beautiful. We got a few things done around the house, but not so much that we felt like we worked too hard, and we made time to relax a little and enjoy the sunshine. In fact, I'm writing this post outside on our deck and the sky is getting ready to sleep, there's a breeze gently tossing the flames of our candle back and forth, and we're listening to some slow country music.
Sounds nice right? To be honest, Josh and I were both really convicted (I guess that's the best word) by the old(er) Craig Morgan song "That's what I love about Sunday." It's a funny way to realize something! Sometimes, it's hard to say no to all of the tasks you want to get done before Monday, but we've been feeling for awhile that we need to make changes to our weekends, particularly our Sundays, and make them more restful. To make this happen for us this Sunday, I started my laundry a day earlier so I wasn't overloaded and Josh mowed the lawn. But after that, we went outside and watched the kids play in the pool in the hot sun...and can I tell you something...it was really hard to sit there and do nothing. But how nice it felt to just do nothing for an hour or two! This needs to be a more regular thing for us on Sundays, I think. You've got to work a little harder to make time for that not-working-so-hard, but it's worth it.
If you follow me on social media, you may know that Josh travels more for work these days than he used to. I focused on this topic in my post on Club31women.com this week, 5 Ways to Support the Spouse who Travels. If it's a subject that interests you, feel free to go give it a read!
I hope you get a few dinner ideas from this week's menu - I plan on doing some grilling and eating some favorites like Taste and Tell's Steak and Potato Kabobs. We've been making those for 5-6 years now and they are one of our favorite summer meals. Trust me, they're just good!
I hope you all have a great week...and here's a link to my salad board. I don't know about you, but I crave and love salads in the summer months. So light and yummy!
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