I'm so sad the weekend is over. We finally had some really beautiful weather, it got into the 80's this weekend, can you believe it? We got a lot of fun things done this weekend, so I'm a happy camper. I finally got my veggies planted in containers. They've been hanging out in my living room since April. Josh dug up some of these huge grassy weeds that were once plants but died from neglect from the pervious renters I think. We did a lot of grilling...maybe you even caught Josh's blog post he finally wrote last night about the amazing Burgers we had Saturday night? I know, it's amazing right? I never thought this day would come when he would write again, lol! But he has promised to make it more of a habit.
Some other interesting things concerning this little blog has happened over the past few days as well. I've reached 50 followers ( if you missed that post/news) and we've re-registered our domain name. First it was at blogspot, then it was dot biz ( which I never really liked...but Josh wanted to score movie tickets for a cheaper price so he registered a domain then) and now...we are finally a dot com!!! We've had some issues with the dot biz since changing it. If you search catzinthekitchen.biz, it's coming out that our page isn't found instead of resending you to the dot com page. But don't worry, we'll get it fixed. We are in the process of trying to fix that now.
Another new thing...we have a twitter page now. I've always been kind of against Twitter. I never really understood the point of it. Why have another outlet to do status updates? But Josh, is trying to convince me that Twitter is the future and I need to hop on board. Well, he kind of pushed me on board because he went and made a twitter account for Catz in the Kitchen last night without telling me until it was already registered. Sneaky boy. But, I think having a Twitter account, could indeed have some positives. Like, he said, " People Can just search genres and find you!" Well that seems cool. So please, bear with me while I get to know this new and cool thing called Twitter.
Okay...onto the Menu. Sheesh, I'm long winded today :)
Pam says
Sounds like a tasty menu to me!