My short-term cooking goal of the year was to make five Julia Child recipes in a year. My long-term goal (which is the goal I'm really shooting for) is to make one Julia Child recipe a month and featuring it here on Catz for you.
Josh and I recently watched Julie and Julia again, which is probably one of my very favorite movies. It involves food, so what's not to love. One of the scenes in the movie is Julie's birthday party. She's talking about how good the lobster thermador is, how she is obsessed with Julia, and that "braised" cucumbers are a revelation to her. Braised??? I looked the recipe up in my very own "Mastering the Art of French Cooking cookbook and I could not find anything about a braised cucumber. I did find a baked cucumber recipe and then I went online to see if it was the same one that is referred to in the movie. It was. Why the name change in the movie? I'm not quite sure.
Rosita Vargas says
Esto luce muy rico sencillo y elegante me encanta,abrazos.
Joshua Rief says
Gracias, Rosita! Es una forma sencilla de comenzar este libro de cocina desafiante!
Joshua Rief says
Además, mi español no es muy bueno. :(
Violet says
Ok. First of all, these were delicious. A bit of work, yes. Not difficult just time wise. But worth it. I had extra garden fresh cucumbers and wanted something different to do with them and this was great!
Joshua Rief says
So glad you enjoyed, Violet!