Hey, guys! How's it going? Our weather has been super warm and super beautiful. I actually was able to spend a few hours in it both Saturday and Sunday...and by bedtime Sunday night, I was paying for it big time. Oh well. I think it was worth it to feel the warm sun on my shoulders for a little bit.
This week, we have a few house guests staying with us. Josh's family had to go out of town, so Josh's brother Jeff is going to be staying with us for a few days, along with a blue Beta fish named Otis who belongs to one of Josh's sibling's friends, and a baby bird. Yes, you heard me right. We have a baby bird, who I've named Humphrey. Humphrey was almost killed by a cat, but Josh's youngest brother saved it. Sadly, Humphrey has a hurt wing. I offered to take the cute little guy into our home and feed it out of a eye dropper and keep it safe. Our goal is to hopefully take care of the bird long enough for its wing to heal so it can join the others outside. I can say that Humphrey looks a million times better than he did yesterday when I first met him. He is even cleaning himself now, which is a great sign! The catch is...he wants to eat all the time! So that means for he next five days I'll be busy! That's okay. Humphrey is darling and I'm enjoying helping him heal.
Honey Lime Chicken Skewers with Rice and Salad
Cheesy Turkey Quinoa Meatloaf Muffins with a Side Salad
Sirloin Steak with Grilled Sweet Potatoes and Veggies
Chinese Meatball Sliders
Zucchini Pizza Boats with Salad
Pesto Chicken Burgers with Smoky Grilled Potato Wedges
Father's Day
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