Hey guys :) Sorry, I didn't really mean to take the week off last week. It just kind of happened. We got very busy and I've begun potty training my youngest and I just needed a week off. I'm now back ready to jump back in again and share some wonderful recipes with you :)
So how was your weekend? We finally had sun and temperatures in the 80's!!! It was to good to be true :) We went to the Farmers Market on Saturday for a few things. We got a huge head of lettuce and I picked up a pint of blueberries. One of my friends will be having a baby soon, so I'm preparing a small menu of food that I'll be bringing over to her home once the baby is born and I'll be making my favorite blueberry muffins for her and the family with some of the blueberries I picked up.
Grace is gone this week :( She has gone camping with my parents till Monday and it's sad without her around here. Eden is missing her a lot and cooking isn't as much fun without her home. Grace is becoming quite the foodie. She won't let us watch Chopped without her and she really loves to help out in the kitchen. She has a beautiful appetite, so my meal planning for this week was harder for me to come by :( But we have to eat right???
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