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Weekly Menu for the Week of July 13

Weekly Menu for the Week of July 13

We're back from our trip to California for my grandmother's funeral, which was a really lovely time with family and hearing memories from all of her loved ones. I'm really glad we took the whole family down and spent that time together.

We had hoped to get a new recipe out to you last week, but we were honestly so tied up, I never even had the chance to open my computer. So here we are and it's a new week and I've got a few things lined up for you this week, one post specifically inspired by a family member who has just chosen to homeschool her daughter (my niece) this year. I know a lot of you are parents and are also trying to figure out what this new school year is going to look like for your child and so one of my posts this week is going to be geared towards that topic. I'm really excited about it and I hope it proves to be a good resource for you.

But let's talk about this week's menu. When I began working on this week's menu I had a completely bare fridge because I made sure to use up a ton of things I didn't want to go bad while we were gone. So...I made my menu based on proteins I already hand on hand in my freezer and tried to utilize other items in my pantry and fridge as well that were still in good shape. I think you'll see the simplicity in this week's menu and I'm not hating it!

Here's what's cooking this week!

As always, I hope that if you look for more options you will feel free to take a look around in the recipe archive section of the blog and check out my Pinterest boards. However, if you need any ideas, I'm really feeling fish this week. So many ways to prepare it and one of the best ways is to grill it, but you can check out my Fish Pinterest Board and see if there is anything that looks good to you!


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